Welcome to Evangelical Christians' Church in Torun!
We are a church family made up of people from a wide variety of backgrounds – some have been raised in churches, some have not; some have been Christians for a long time, some are new in the faith.
We are families, children, singles and senior adults – united in our desire to know and love our God and to share that love with others. Whether you are just searching for some answers or are a committed believer, we welcome you.
We are a part of the Evangelical Christians’ Church in Poland and partner of the Polish Together For The Gospel alliance.

Our Church
The congregation has a history going back to 1979, when a group of Christians started regular home meetings for Bible study and prayer (at that time – the only evangelical services in the city!).
Since that time our focus is the grace of God revealed in his Son Jesus Christ who came to rescue us from living in rebellion against God. Jesus died for our sin as a perfect atoning sacrifice and was raised from the grave as an affirmation that this sacrifice was accepted by God. All those who recognize their need of God’s forgiveness and trust in Jesus as their Saviour and confess him as their Lord are received into the family of God.
This Good News is grounded in the authority of the word of God, the Bible. The reading, study, teaching, and preaching of the Bible is central to the life of our church and its ministries.
Our City
Toruń – located in northern Poland, on the Vistula River – is the second biggest city of the Kujawy-Pomerania Province (population: over 200 000).
It’s famous for its Medieval Old Town and gingerbread ever since the Middle Ages. A tourist destination, a road and rail hub, and a rapidly developing industrial centre.
Our church building is located in a district of Torun called Wrzosy
Our Services
Sunday: 10.00
Wednesday: 18.00 (Bible study)
Our Location
Kosciol Ewangelicznych Chrzescijan
ul. Mysliwska 2
87-100 Torun, Poland
Our Bank Account
PL 26 1020 5011 0000 9002 0091 1727